Selected Images

my sister's winter trees


the conversation


red building

star man

the crowd




intentional camera movement

stacked (2)


Four suns

A crayon drawing, yellow on black paper, manipulated with software, then quadrupled.


from an acrylic pour

not atoll

at the beach


fire on the ridge


part of the "walking around my house at dawn" series

sunset at Rick's Boatyard Cafe


the house across the street


barbells (8 pounders)

factory floor

Composite formed from several images taken during the local village carnival.

Ali's dinner at the carnival

Another composite using images from the local summer carnival, arranged as a faux triptych. Homage to the newest family member.

shards (after the earthquake)

Intentional camera movement used here.

puzzle pieces

Deconstruction of my 1972 Vasarely-like arrowhead painting, using intentional camera movement, a geometric overlay, and neon color.

hen and chicks

Just a drawing.

anatomical drawing

Not a drawing at all.


Multiple blended images started with a computer circuit board (beneath the red clouds), overlaid with photos of a downtown Chicago building...

hot sun, rain later

Buildings. People. Blended under a blazing hot sun taken from a Citrisolv®-soaked page in an old National Geographic magazine. The...

wounded foil knight

A piece of foil, crumpled after use in a sous vide recipe.

Cadillac guy

One of my favorites. Cadillac guy’s car and trailer sat at the Evanston boat launch most Sunday mornings. He— and we— have been coming here...

summer long ago

The starter images come from a white-water rafting trip down the Colorado River, in a place where they warned you not to take rocks from...

no other way to go

Here is a mean guy yelling at some hand-drawn orange folks to go a certain way (preferably, off his canvas). Yelling-guy comes from one...


See "hiding".


A corollary to the previous "searching".

spilling canyon waters

Rafting trip on the Colorado river. Used a 35mm slide as the starter image, photo’d thru a viewer. The bubbles come from a photo of a jug...

she's heading downstairs

Multiple copies of a negative image, shot thru a viewer using a macro camera app, loosely arranged to link-up to show a series of...

they are boarding the magic bus

There is something about orange people going somewhere (as seen in "no other place to go" elsewhere in this portfolio). In this piece, two...

tendrils, reaching

Watched a Nature show last night featuring Heidi the day-octopus. (They are aliens, you know.) She had been welcomed into the living room...

carnage in the city

This image started as black-and-white drawing of slapdash vertical sticks mimicking buildings, overlaid with a blood-like splash of vivid...

are you listening?

We go off to Lake Geneva (Wisconsin) in the summer. One morning, we were sitting at an outdoor café. The sun was rising above a building...

now, he's walking away

This is the companion image to "are you listening?". As we walked around Lake Geneva that morning, I shot an image of my husband reflected...

chickens scatter crossing the road (a car was coming)

It’s a long title, but that’s what they are doing. The final image started with a chalk drawing on a black canvas, embellished with fabric...

bloodshot eyeball

The “eyeball” is a photo of the hollowed-out sleeve of an underwater pool light (then being replaced), set atop part of a grotesque face...

umpteenth dress

The full title should be: “trying on the umpteenth dress-shoe-jewelry combo for the wedding”. Doesn’t require much more explanation than...

cup, steaming

This is one of a dozen images I made from a starter photo of an elegant little coffee cup. It was part of my mother’s set of dishes; no one...

winter blooms

Started with a photo of an alcohol ink piece created during a workshop that I was leading. It was an unusual technique-- barely submerging...

bite the apple

This is a fun one. Mashup of a stock apple photo and the famous orange people (seen in “they are boarding the magic bus”), caught between...